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Showing posts from November 2, 2015

Papaya Leaves and Dengue

Recently Dengue has spread havoc all over the country thanks to "News" channels and papers. Looks like every time a disease breaks in, Media gets all excited and hyper about it. Its festive mood all over the media houses. Thats what I feel, its my opinion. Now coming to the point, I would like to share a simple tip which I personally found useful while dealing with Dengue patients. Dengue can cause simple viral fever which subsides on its own over a few days or it can turn into the dangerous Dengue Hemorrhagic fever. Conventional medicine does not have much to offer to treat this condition except for giving supportive care and waiting for the body to overcome the infection.  I had first heard about this Papaya leaf tip for dengue from a patient while I was working in a tertiary care hospital few years back. This patient was an old man who was admitted because of Pneumonia or Acute exacerbation of COPD (I dont remember the exact diagnosis, but it was lung related disease).