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Merck and MMR vaccine Fraud

If you want to get a Measles Vaccine shot, you can never get it. Do you know why? Because it is nowhere to be found except in the form of MMR Vaccine, which contains Mumps Measles and Rubella vaccines together. And this MMR vaccine is owned and patented by Merck. Imagine every child born getting this MMR vaccine- the level of business turnover these vaccine companies get. So if you want to get a Mumps or Measles vaccine, you need to get all three whether you like it or not. As if this is not unfair enough, now stories are coming out through whistle blowers that Merck has been creating false studies, manipulating trails and research studies and has been continuously lying about its vaccine MMR, especially the Mumps part of it. It has been claiming that Mumps vaccine has more than 95% while actually it was of no use at all against the real wild type Mumps virus that actually infects children.

                              Two former Merck virologists, Stephen Krahling and Joan Wlochowski, claim they witnessed first-hand the improper testing and falsification of data that was done to hide the fact that the vaccine has significantly declined in effectiveness.

By artificially inflating the efficacy, Merck was able to maintain its monopoly over the mumps vaccine market—and that is the main point of contention of the second class-action lawsuit, filed by Chatom Primary Care. According to Courthouse News Service:

"Merck has known for a decade that its mumps vaccine is "far less effective" than it tells the government, and it falsified test results and sold millions of doses of "questionable efficacy," flooding and monopolizing the market... Chatom says in its antitrust complaint that Merck falsely claims its mumps vaccine is 95 percent effective. That claim "deterred and excluded competing manufacturers," who would enter the risky and expensive vaccine market only if they believed they could craft a better product... Merck is the only manufacturer licensed by the FDA to sell the mumps vaccine in United States, and if it could not show that the vaccine was 95 percent effective, it risked losing its lucrative monopoly... That's why Merck found it critically important to keep claiming such a high efficacy rate, the complaint states. And, Chatom claims, that's why Merck went to great lengths, including "manipulating its test procedures and falsifying the test results," to prop up the bogus figure, though it knew that the attenuated virus from which it created the vaccine had been altered over the years during the manufacturing process, and that the quality of the vaccine had degraded as a result."

According to these two lawsuits, Merck began a sham testing program in the late 1990's to hide the declining efficacy of the vaccine. The objective of the fraudulent trials was to "report efficacy of 95 percent or higher regardless of the vaccine's true efficacy." According to Krahling and Wlochowski's complaint, they were threatened with jail were they to alert the FDA to the fraud being committed. The sham testing program was initially referred to as "Protocol 007," the Chatom anti-trust claim states. Suzanne Humphries recently wrote an excellent summary for, explaining in layman's terms how the tests were manipulated.

 Here's a brief extract. For more, please refer to the original source article:

 "For the new testing method, the children's blood was tested for its ability to neutralize the virus using the vaccine strain virus, instead of the wild type strain that is much more infective, and the one that your children would most likely catch... But still it was not 95% effective. In order to make the blood pass the test, antibodies from rabbits was added. The addition of rabbit antibody increased the efficacy to 100%. But that was not the end, because the test has to be done on pre-vaccine blood and post-vaccine blood. Just the addition of rabbit antibody made the pre-vaccine blood go from 10% positive to 80% positive and that was such an obvious sign of foul play that yet another manipulation had to be made. The desired end result is to have very low pre-vaccine antibody and 95% or more post-vaccine efficacy as measured by antibody neutralization. So, yet one more change in procedure was made: The pre-vaccine tests were all redone... According to the Merck scientists, they did this by fabricating the "plaque" counts on the pre-vaccine blood samples, counting plaques that were not there. What this allowed was a mathematical dilution of the pre-vaccine positive blood counts."

 This is a perfect example of how medical research can be manipulated to achieve desired results, and why it may be wise to question vaccine makers' study results. Clearly, there needs to be a truly independent review in the mix...

As reported by the Courthouse News Service:

 "Chatom claims that the falsification of test results occurred" with the knowledge, authority and approval of Merck's senior management." While I do not advocate indiscriminately abstaining from all vaccines, I strongly encourage you to exercise caution and do your research before giving yor kids these vaccine shots- as vaccines can cause serious reactions that can have devastating consequences. I believe in informed consent and the freedom to choose. There can be little doubt anymore that drug companies are in it for the profits, and virtually no price seems too high for them when it comes to protecting their profit-making.

Since this case has been languishing in the courts for going on 5 years now, there are older reports in both the mainstream and alternative media that exist. Here is a report Forbes wrote on it back in 2012. Some quotes:
Anyone who falls on either side of the debate about vaccines’ alleged potential to cause harm is sure to have heard the big news this week — the unsealing of a whistleblower suit against Merck, filed back in 2010 by two former employees accusing the drugmaker of overstating the effectiveness of its mumps, measles, and rubella vaccine.
The scientists claim Merck defrauded the U.S. government by causing it to purchase an estimated four million doses of mislabeled and misbranded MMR vaccine per year for at least a decade, and helped ignite two recent mumps outbreaks that the allegedly ineffective vaccine was intended to prevent in the first place.

As the single largest purchaser of childhood vaccines (accounting for more than 50 percent of all vaccine purchasers), the United States is by far the largest financial victim of Merck’s fraud. But the ultimate victims here are the millions of children who every year are being injected with a mumps vaccine that is not providing them with an adequate level of protection against mumps. And while this is a disease the CDC targeted to eradicate by now, the failure in Merck’s vaccine has allowed this disease to linger with significant outbreaks continuing to occur,” the suit alleges. (Source – emphasis added.)
- See more at:

Wait. There is more- MMR Causes Autism in Children:

More Censored News: MMR Vaccine Caused Autism, Italian Court Rules

These two lawsuits couldn't come at a more precarious time for Merck, as the Italian Health Ministry recently conceded the MMR vaccine caused autism in a now nine-year old boy. As a result, a court in Rimini, Italy has awarded the family a 15-year annuity totaling 174,000 Euros (just under $220,000), plus reimbursement for court costs, ruling that the boy "has been damaged by irreversible complications due to vaccination (prophylaxis trivalent MMR)."
According to The Daily Mail, a British paper11:
"Judge Lucio Ardigo, awarding compensation to the family... said it was 'conclusively established' that Valentino had suffered from an 'autistic disorder associated with medium cognitive delay' and his illness, as Dr Barboni stated, was linked to receiving the jab. Lawyer Mr Ventaloro explained yesterday: 'This is very significant for Britain which uses, and has used, an MMR vaccine with the same components as the one given to Valentino.
 'It is wrong for governments and their health authorities to exert strong pressure on parents to take children for the MMR jab while ignoring that this vaccine can cause autism and linked conditions.'
Claudio Simion, a leading member of the lobby group Association for Freedom of Choice in Vaccination (Comilva), adds: 'The Rimini judgment is vitally important for children everywhere. The numbers with autism are growing. It is a terrible thing that the authorities turn a blind eye to the connection between the MMR vaccination and this illness.'"
This vaccine-news story was not picked up by a single US media outlet when it happened! Why? Could it be because the US government, which is brimming with paid-off industry shills, is hellbent on protecting the vaccination program? Not because it's a marvelous panacea that promotes optimal health and longevity and can be defended with raw facts and first-class science, but because it's a major profit center, both for the vaccine makers and for those whose pockets are lined with Big Pharma bribes.

CDC Whistleblower: CDC Concealed Data on MMR Vaccine Linking it to Autism

Profile of William W. Thompson at Google Scholar
In one the biggest stories in the past ten years that the mainstream media did not cover in 2014, was the story of Dr. William Thompson, a senior epidemiologist at the CDC who co-authored and published research on the MMR vaccine for the CDC back in 2004, and his decision to become a whistleblower and reveal data that was concealed by the CDC linking the MMR vaccine to autism among African American boys. His telephone conversations with Dr. Brian Hooker were recorded, and released to the public:
- See more at:

Conclusion: Do not Trust the Mainstream Media for the Truth on Vaccines

Instead of reporting the news on MMR fraud claims made by whistlelowers, what you will find in the mainstream media are TV doctors, reporters, and news anchors vilifying parents who refuse to accept the claims made by medical authorities regarding a vaccine associated with alleged massive fraud and conflict of interest.
Vaccines cannot survive in a free market based on their own merit, therefore the U.S. Government buys most of the vaccines manufactured in the United States.
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The CDC is the largest purchaser of vaccines, spending over $4 BILLION a year of tax-payer funds on the purchase of vaccines from pharmaceutical companies, some of which have the largest criminal court settlements in our nation’s history. (See: Pulling Back the Curtain on the Organized Crime Ring That Is the Pharmaceutical Drug Cartel.)
The CDC has a very obvious conflict of interest in producing vaccine data, and has been caught in the past inflating statistics to promote vaccine sales. (See: CDC Inflates Flu Death Stats to Sell More Flu Vaccines.)
Kathleen Sebelius, secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services under President Obama, admitted in an interview with Reader’s Digest that the government puts pressure on the mainstream media to NOT give equal weight to those who question the “science” of vaccines:
RD:What can be done about public mistrust of vaccines?
KS:There are groups out there that insist that vaccines are responsible for a variety of problems despite all scientific evidence to the contrary. We have reached out to media outlets to try to get them to not give the views of these people equal weight in their reporting to what science has shown and continues to show about the safety of vaccines. (Source.)
It is time for the public to look elsewhere for their news on this topic, as the mainstream media is obviously not giving the public all the data on vaccines.
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