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Natural help for Ovarian Cancer- Tony Isaacs

Tony Isaacs is a well known Naturopathic advocate for the treatment of Cancer and other Chronic debilitating diseases which are conventionally called "untreatable." Tony Isaacs had developed Oleander protocol for Cancer treatment, which is lethal to cancer cells but non-toxic to normal cells in low doses. Oleander Protocol will be posted later. Right now we will review quickly, how Ovarian cancer patients can be helped with natural methods.

1. Agaricus Blazei Murril Mushroom (ABM mushrooms):
Stimulates T Lymphocytes production.
The polysaccharide in ABM stimulates Interferon and Interleukin.
It is a powerful antiviral.

2. Selenium- 
Methylselenocysteine is most effect form of Selenium against cancer cells.

3. Curcumin- 
Found in turmeric has broad spectrum anticancer properties. It is well absorbed if taken with milk. For Ovarian cancer patients, who can not take milk, they can add it to vegetable juices for better absorption.

4. Vitamin K- 
Found in green leafy vegetables and yellow vegetables. When given with high dose Vitamin C, cancer cells undergo self destruction. 35 mg or more of Vitamin K + 3 Gm or more of Vitamin C per day is recommended for this purpose.

Green peppers are full of Quercetin. Onion is another good source of Quercetin.  125 to 250 mg thrice daily. More on it later.

6. Bind Weed (Convolulus Arvensis). More on this later.

7. Astragalus- 
Stimulates Interleukin 2 and activates p53. 500 to 1000 mg thrice daily is the suggested dose.

8. Esphinheira Santa:
Has mild laxative property. Taken as decoction (tea)- One cup 2 to 3 times daily. As Capsule extract- 1 to 2 grams daily.

9. Milk Thistle Extracts:
Milk Thistle is famous for its anticancer properties. It prevents Angiogenesis and Regenerates liver. 400 to 1000 mg per day is the suggested dose.

10. Green Tea:
The active anticancer compound in green tea is epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG).It deactivates plasmin (which helps tumor spread). 250 to 500 mg per day is the suggested dose.

11. Caretenoids-
Anticancer properties of carotenoids can not be told as a brief description. Separate article will be written about it later.

12. Ovarian cancer patients should avoid milk and milk products, Egg yolks and should eat healthy oils and fats. 
Note: Ovarian cancer patients taking Cottage cheese and Flaxseed oil (Budwig protocol) need not stop taking cottage cheese. Instead they have to avoid all other dairy products.


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