Wheatgrass juice is made by squeezing the freshly germinated grass over wheat. It is highly nutritious and a very potent tonic for the body.
30mls of freshly squeezed wheatgrass juice (a wheatgrass shot!) is equivalent in nutritional value to 1kg of leafy green vegetables. Wheatgrass contains over 90 minerals, including high concentrations of the most alkaline minerals: potassium, calcium, magnesium and sodium.
It contains the essential enzymes: Protease (assists in protein digestion), Cytochrome Oxidase (a powerful anti oxidant), Amylase (facilitates digestion), Lipase (a fat splitting enzyme), Transhydrogenase (strengthens the heart muscle) & Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) (important anti oxidant and important component of the immune system. It is known for its ability to lessen the effect of radiation and slow cellular aging).
Wheatgrass is high in chlorophyll content and Iron content. With its power packed nutrients. it can help body make blood, regenerate the immune system, detoxify the liver, kidneys and entire body. The peptide chains present in Wheatgrass are small chains and are easily digestible and absorbed by the body. These peptides are used to make proteins, the building blocks of cells and tissues. Liquid chlorophyll has the ability to penetrate the tissues and remove the clogs and deposits in them, It has the ability to reduce the itch and swelling seen in many allergic conditions like eczema. Chlorophyll is a natural antibiotic. Taking Wheatgrass helps prevent and treat bad body odor and bad breath. It even prevents tooth decay.
As postulated by the Nobel laureate Otto Warburg, Cancer survives in a body which is lacking oxygen. Cancer cells invariably live through anaerobic metabolism (partial anaerobes). The enzymes present in Wheatgrass oxygenates the body. Moreover it makes our body PH Alkaline. Scientists world wide now believe that no disease can survive in an alkaline ph. slightly alkaline Ph is out body's normal. In that state, and when it has good oxygenation (good hemoglobin included), the body can deal with any kind of disease and regenerate. When such an alkaline diet is given to a diabetic or hypertensive or even cancer patients, many times they recover swiftly.
The following passage is taken from cancertutor website:
Using Wheatgrass as a Cancer Treatment
Step 1) Build-up starting at 1-2 ounces a day for 3 or 4 days,
Step 2) The ongoing dose is 4-6 ounces a day depending on body weight,
Step 3) This counts as theone and onlyhighly alkaline protocol per day used in a cancer treatment,
Step 4) Use the wheatgrass as the highly alkaline item in theDirt Cheap Protocol(i.e. do NOT use baking soda or any of the other highly alkaline items) – see the left side-bar for the Dirt Cheap Protocol,
Step 5) Use 13 other items in the Dirt Cheap Protocol with wheatgrass being the one highly alkaline item.
Read More http://www.cancertutor.com/wheatgrass/
Wheatgrass provides a concentrated amount of nutrients, including iron; calcium; magnesium; amino acids; chlorophyll; and vitamins A, C and E. Wheatgrass fans say that its rich nutrient content boosts immunity, kills harmful bacteria in your digestive system, and rids your body of waste. Some proponents tout wheatgrass as a treatment for cancer, anemia, diabetes, constipation, infections, skin conditions, ulcerative colitis and joint pain, among other health concerns. There are no clinical trials to prove these claims but trying wheatgrass is not harmful. It will only benefit you in one way or another.
If you have contacted an infection, especially a viral infection, daily wheatgrass will boost your immunity and help the body get rid of the infection. The only thing in the world that can effectively eliminate the virus is human immunity. It has also shown to be very useful in urinary tract infections and other genitourinary problems and even in BPH.
Wheatgrass juice can be added to the bathrub and let your body soak in it for 15 to 20 mins. Wheatgrass has good skin penetration and it will help your skin regenerate and help the body heal outside in. Wheatgrass can also be used for enemas in which case it will cleanse the colon. If it gets absorbed during the enema, it will cleanse the liver. Wheatgrass can be used to treat chronic dandruff.
Wheat has gluten but wheatgrass is gluten free. It has shown to relieve chronic arthritis patients from the disease burden. It has been shown to be very beneficial in chronic fatigue syndrome. Wheatgrass is very very effective in controlling sugar levels in chronic resistant diabetic patients, when combined with a good diabetic diet.
Lastly, wheatgrass is very good for old people and obese people. Because, it improved digestion and preserves appetite but at the same time, it prevents your gut from over eating.
How and When to take it- Wheatgrass will work at its best when you take it early morning on an empty stomach and the grass juice is preferably freshly made.