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8 Studies linking Mercury/Thimerosal in Vaccines with Autism Spectrum Disorders and other Neurodevelopmental disorders.

Safety of Mercury in Vaccines has never been seriously tested.

Whenever you see the Doctors or the Media telling you again and again that 'there are no studies suggesting any harmful effects of mercury in vaccines', they are outright lying. Today we shall examine a few 'peer reviewed' studies (out of 100s) linking mercury to neurodevelopmental and other health problems in kids vaccinated with mercury containing vaccines, published in respectable Medical Journals. 
(Note: PubMed Links to the original studies are given in the heading of the study.)

Study 1:
 A two phase study evaluating the relationship between Thimerosal containing vaccine administration and the risk for an autism spectrum disorder diagnosis in the U.S:
 Inference: Infants who received vaccines containing mercury had significantly increased odds of being diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder.
- by Geier DA, Hooker BS, and co. 
This study showed that infants who recieved DTaP vaccines with mercury had twice the risk of an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), reported to VAERS, compared to infants who received mercury free DTaP vaccine. Risk Ration=2.02- i.e, twice as likely to get ASD. 

Study 2:
Increased Risk of developmental neurologic imparment after high exposure to thimerosal containing vaccine in first month of life:
Inference: Infants who received vaccines containing mercury developed speech disorders, sleep disorders and Autism. One month olds with Ethylmercury vaccines had 2 times the risk of developing a speech disorder, 5 times the risk of developing sleep disorders and 7.6 times more likely to develop Autism when compared to infants unexposed to mercury from vaccines.
- by Verstraeten T, Davies R and et al.- 'Proceedings of the Epidemic Intelligence Service Annual Conference', Vol 49, CDC, Atlanta, GA, USA, April 2000.
Dr. Verstraeten was the head epidemiologist at the CDC. This study was conducted by the CDC. It was even presented in the conference but never published it. Shows how corrupt CDC is.
This study was conducted involving over 400,000 infants.
Click here to know how they deceive you with the numbers and with use of sheer power.

A Dose-Response relationship between organic mercury exposure from thimerosal containing vaccines and Neurodevelopmental disorders.
Inference: Neurodevelopmental disorders are significantly more common in children who received vaccines containing mercury.
- by Geier DA, Hooker BS et al, at the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2014 Sep 5, 11(9); 9156-70.
This study examined medical records of more than 1.9 million infants enrolled in CDC vaccine safety Datalink.

Hepatitis B Triple series vaccines and developmental disability in US children aged 1 to 9 years of age.- by Gallagher C, Goodman M., in 'Toxicology and Environmental Chemistry.'
Inference: Boys who had received Hepatitis B vaccines with mercury were 9 times more likely then unvaccinated boys to become developmentally disabled and 3 times more likely to develop Autism. Non-white boys have more risk.

The Bogus Ethylmercury-Methylmercury debate debunked:
They say "oh methyl mercury thats found in the fish is dangerous but ethyl mercury found in vaccines is safe. This is a total lie. This study busts it.
Neurodevelopment of Amazonian Infants: Antenatal and Postnatal exposure to methyl and ethyl mercury.- by Dorea JG, Marques RC, Isejima C in J Biomed Biotechnol 2012.
Inference: Infants with the least exposure to fish methylmercury but most exposure to vaccine ethylmercury had the worst Neurodevelopmental behavior. 
Scientists visited 3 Amazonian communities to compare Neurobehavioral development, motor skills, language development, adaptive behavior and personal social behavior in infants who were exposed to varying combinations of fish methylmercury and vaccine related ethylmercury. Ethylmercury was worse than Methylmercury.

Thimerosal exposure and increasing trends of premature puberty in the vaccine safety datalink.
-by Geier DA, Young HA, et al. in Indian J od Med Res.
Inference: Mercury in childhood vaccines can cause premature puberty. Mercury is a known endocrine disruptor that may interact with sex steroids to increase the risk of a child developing premature puberty. Boys with this condition are more aggressive than normal.

Thimerosal: Clinical, Epidemiological and Biochemical studies. in Clini Chim Acta, 2015.
Inference: 180 studies provide evidence that thimerosal is dangerous, thimerosal containing vaccines are unsafe for humans.

A list of Studies showing harmful effects of Thimerosal.

Do your own research.


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