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Studies show link between cell phones radiations and Cancer.

Cell Phone radiations are Radio frequency waves (ranging from 10MHZ to 300GHZ) which are part of the Electromagnetic waves. These radiations are classified as 'Non-Ionizing' radiations. Looks very harmless and benign. Is it? They say, these radiations are 'non-mutagenic' and can only incite thermal energy that can cause 'burns'. Yes, the priests of Science religion will have you believed that these radiations are completely harmless and can only cause you 'localized heating or photochemical reactions.'
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.

As of 2015, there are 7.4 billion subscribers of Cell Phones worldwide. A recent study has shown that people are so attached to their cell phones that in case of a fire accident, they would leave their pets and save their phones first. Cell phones stick on to our body most of the time when we are awake and keep emitting their radiations while we are asleep. Keeping in mind the epidemic rates of Cancer all over the world, it is definitely worth scrutinizing cell phone radiations for possible reason of Cancer. There are already some data suggesting the link between the two. But most of the so called 'peer reviewed journal' articles, which make it to the headlines in media are funded by cell phone companies or the Pharma companies. So the less known studies published in these journals that establish the link between Cancer and cell phone radiations are often ignored or just people don't know these studies even exist.

There is clear Evidence to link Cell Phone radiations to Cancer.

Mobile phone use and risk of brain tumours: a systematic review of association between study quality, source of funding, and research outcomes.   By- Prasad M, Kathuria P, Nair P, Kumar A, Prasad K. Published in Neurological Sciences, May 2017. Click for PubMed Link.

Conclusion: We found evidence linking mobile phone use and risk of brain tumours especially in long-term users (≥10 years). Studies with higher quality showed a trend towards high risk of brain tumour, while lower quality showed a trend towards lower risk/protection.

Mobile phone use and cancer.
By- Prof. M Kundi. Published in BMJ. Click here.
Mobile phones when operating close to the head of the user result in comparably high levels of exposure to microwaves in the near field. Never before in history have such high exposures occurred on a regular basis in such a great proportion of the population. Consequently there is concern that exposure may lead to long term adverse health effects and in particular to an increase in cancer incidence.

Mobile phone use and glioma risk: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Click here.
Conclusion: ......but there was an association among long-term users of ≥10. Furthermore, we observed a correlation between the risk of mobile phone use and low-grade glioma in particular, especially long-term users.

9 out of 10 cell phones exceed current Radiation Limits by a huge margin.

According to a research conducted by Dr. Magda Havas from Trent University, some people are more sensitive to these EMF radiations. She says that the 'Electrosmog' (electromagnetic pollution) we live in today is far more dangerous than we understand. Dr. Magda says that Pregnant women and children are at more risk. According to Dr. Martin Pall, who has done ground breaking research on EMF waves, extremely low level of EMF waves, even a thousand times lower than what a cell phone emits, can effect cell function there by causing melatonin depletion, infertility and cancer. Click here for his study 'EMF act via voltage gated calcium channels.' 

Recent large scale study conducted by National Toxicology Program concluded that exposure to cell phone radiations has shown:

  • Clear evidence of tumors in the hearts of male rats. The tumors were malignant schwannomas.
  • Some evidence of tumors in the brains of male rats. The tumors were malignant gliomas.
  • Some evidence of tumors in the adrenal glands of male rats. The tumors were benign, malignant, or complex combined pheochromocytoma.
  • "The National Toxicology Program (NTP) concluded there is clear evidence that male rats exposed to high levels of radio frequency radiation (RFR) like that used in 2G and 3G cell phones developed cancerous heart tumors," the agency said in a statement
But the criminals sitting at the FDA who are the stooges of Pharma companies and of course cell phone companies are saying, “The incidence of brain tumors in human beings has been flat for the last 40 years,” Brawley said. “That is the absolute most important scientific fact.” This of course is a bald faced lie.

A recent study conducted in the UK, published in the Journal of Public Health and Environment. Click here
The research team set out to investigate the rise of an aggressive and often fatal type of brain tumour known as Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM). They analysed 79,241 malignant brain tumours over 21 years, finding that cases of GBM in England have increased from around 1,250 a year in 1995 to just under 3,000. The study is the first recent effort of its kind to analyse in detail the incidence of different types of malignant tumours.

A Survey conducted in India revealed that 65% of its participants considered smartphones to be their best friend. Yes, let that sink in. Most people would rather communicate with an electronic device than a living, breathing human being. That’s how much we’ve grown to be dependent on technology, and especially on our smartphones. Apart from cancer and brain tumour, there are concerns in the medical community that excess smartphone usage can lead to early deafness, memory loss and even interfere with the nervous system. Click here.

Hazards of Wifi and other Wireless devices.

What now? How to deal with it?

  • Simple, just detach yourself from the cell phones, laptops and modern gadgets as much as you can. Do not become dependent on them.
  • Try to turn off your cell phones for a few hours in a day.
  • Switch off the Wifi routers and wireless apparatus when you sleep.
  • Place the phone far from your head and body when you sleep and switch it to airplane mode.
  • Avoid sitting in wifi-free areas.
  • Use wired ear phones/ head phones instead of direct contact with the Phone.
  • Try to use wired internet ports instead of Wifi.
  • Try to spend your weekends at places where there is no cell phone network.
  • Keep the pregnant, elderly and the children away from wifi and wireless gadgets as much as possible.
  • If someone is sick with weak immune system, they should try and stay away from all kinds of radiations.
I remember when I was young, I would place the cell phone in my shirt pocket and my mother used to tell me "Don't keep that phone near your chest. Not good for your heart." Well my mother was no expert in Medicine or Science. But she intuitively knew what we all know- that our cell phones are making us sick. I remember a quote that aptly put it all in the right perspective " Intuitions are not to be ignored, they represent data processed too fast for the conscious mind to comprehend." Nobody but you are responsible for your and your children's health.


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