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The unvaccinated need not worry about the Covid-19 variants.


Nobody needs to worry about these variants: Dr. Mark McDonald. 

First of all lets shrug off the burden the main stream media has been dumping on our shoulders. The unvaccinated do not cause mutations or variants. The vaccinated people create variants. Not me, Nobel Laureate Scientist Luc Montagneir and many other scientists and doctors have said that.

Vaccinations cause variants. 

Curve of vaccination is followed by curve of deaths: Luc Montagneir. 

Reports are coming in from Britain and Israel (among the highest vaccinated countries in the world) that vaccinated people are suffering more Deaths and Hospitalizations with 'new variants' than the unvaccinated.

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Green: Vaccinated. Red: Unvaccinated. 

Remember the SAGE report had predicted that majority of casualties of 'third wave' (Deaths and Hospitalizations) would be amongst the vaccinated people. 

Also we have seen Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi beautifully explain us how coronavirus 'variants' can not escape our immune system. So natural Immunity picks up the variants quite effortlessly. 

The real reason behind increased mortality and severity of disease with the coming of a new variant in the vaccinated people is 'Antibody Dependant Enhancement' which we have discussed many times. 

Vaccinated people are at risk: Dr. Tenpenny. 

David Icke: Unvaccinated will be blamed. 

Stop worrying about variants. Maintain good hygiene and precautions. Focus on educating and spreading awareness about vaccines, variants and Covid-19- that which mainstream media does not inform the people. Because variants may not be a health problem for the unvaccinated but they are a political tool that will be used against the unvaccinated. So focus on communicating the truth to the people.


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